The Creative’s Compass


This is a practical and fun yet reflective and cosy course to check in with your inspiration and where you’re headed next in your creative life.

It’s great for when you’re just starting out and unsure of what inspiration to follow and which ideas to pursue.

But it’s also great in times when you feel a creative pivot is coming, and you want to unpick what you actually want to create and focus on going forward.

In this course, we get to the heart of what YOU want, beyond distracting comparisons with what everyone else is creating.

A course to find your creative direction


I love this stuff

If you follow my writing and creative journey, you know that I’m always honing and fine-tuning my creative direction. I’ve been through many shifts and changes over the years, and for me it’s incredibly important to stay true to who and am and follow what feels like the right next step.

I make these shifts and stay aligned by being in tune with my forever evolving creative direction.

This course is me giving you the tools to explore your creative direction, so you too can stay inspired, true and aligned in your creative life.

Take a peek inside the course

Watch the welcome lesson…


There are four parts to The Creative’s Compass…

Four video lessons and a 23 page workbook filled with exercises and journaling questions guide you through four modules. It’s small enough so that you can do it over a weekend, or take your time and really dive deep in it.



What is inspiring me?

We go deep into ideas and inspiration. Through exercises like the inspiration board and the inspiring/not inspiring lists, you get to the root of what you’re drawn to right now, and pick inspiration trend words.



What feels true and authentic?

We turn inward. You make lists of what feels true and authentic, and what doesn’t. The True/Inspiring Matrix helps you identify what inspiration is worth following, and which is a distraction from your true self.



What is most important to me?

We scale down and focus. You identify your creative values and you journal about what truly matters most to you in your creative life, ending up with a top list of creative work.



What is my creative compass pointing to?

We pull everything together. You take the things you’ve learned through the course and create a visual compass that shows you your current direction.

This is for you if…

  • You’re unsure of where to start and what you want to create. You have ideas but you feel doubtful of how to get started with your creativity.

  • You have plenty of creative ideas. Too many, in fact! You jump between them and you don’t know which ones to pursue. You need some help figuring out what your true direction is.

  • Something has changed and you long for a change in your creative life. You’re not quite sure of what it looks like yet, and you want to explore it.

  • You don’t feel as inspired by your creativity as you once did. You wonder what’s next and want to reconnect with your inspiration.

  • You see what everyone else is creating and easily get inspired by them. You flit back and forth between ideas and ways of doing things. You want to do things your own way, but struggle to figure out what that actually means.

  • You sometimes feel like you have to do things a certain way, that doesn’t really suit you. You want to forge your own path and stay grounded in your creative values, but you don’t know how.
